Grade F2 Gaseous Hydrogen

Grade F2 Gaseous Hydrogen

Grade F2 Gaseous Hydrogen

Type I, Grade F2 Gaseous Hydrogen as required by internal combustion engines (H2ICE) for static applications. 

H2ICE drivetrain technology can operate on a lower purity requirement than that required for fuel cells. To address this emerging technology, a second new hydrogen grade has been introduced to the ISO standards, Grade F2. This specification is designed to safeguard the longevity of the fuel system for stationary systems without burdoning them with stringent tolerance on impurities.

In accordance with ISO 14687:2023 Table F for hydrogen quality, grade F2 hydrogen meets the 98% minimum mole fraction with less than 20,000 µmol impurities, the only limits on impurities are 5,000 µmol of total gases without calorific value (Oxygen, Nitrogen, Argon and Carbon Dioxide). There is no assigned threshold for water content other than it should be non-condensing at any ambient temperature, as such purity may vary between regions.

Grade F2 hydrogen is only suitable for static H2ICE drivetrains, it is not suitable for mobility fuel cell applications that require grades C or D hydrogen, neither is it suitable for H2ICE vehicular applications that run on F1 hydrogen.